Gorillas Need Protection Too

Men of the world, we have nothing to regain but our balls and our country!

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Friday, September 09, 2005

Scubajeff at rest. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Jeffrey C Gershen said...

All one can say is hold your breath, this could be an exciting ride. The challenges that are in front of our new President are such to defeat many so I counsel patience, forbearance and understanding. Baby steps Brethren, baby steps

11:03 AM  
Blogger Jeffrey C Gershen said...

Who thinks Monica Crowley is hot? Her poltics may be a little troglyditic and she will never admit she's wrong; butshe is hot!

12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are in for an exciting new era -

The Republicans need to reevalute their party and come up with viable candidates at all levels of government - A heatlhy multi-party system is in the best interests of all Americans.

Good luck to our new president!

7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is hot, not sure the Dems havd anyone that can compare to her with the exception of Hilary back in 1969!

2:24 PM  

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