Gorillas Need Protection Too

Men of the world, we have nothing to regain but our balls and our country!

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Location: Pound Ridge, NY, United States

I have no allergies

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why this Blog

When I first started, I intended to focus on the issue of the ongoing emasculation of American males over the last 20+ years. Although that is still an object of my concern, because there is so much else out there at which to hurl invectives, the initial goal of the blog is on hold in favor of all the political and social goodies that are out there to discuss. For example:

1. When is the USA going to stop giving Israel a carte blanche?
2. Why can't political agendas be put aside for the common good?
3. Why do government agencies act more as an obstacle to getting the job done than as a facilitator?

I will be addressing these issues soon. Stay tuned

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obama -the African American

Hey everybody, I have been watching pratically every news analysis program on commercial TV and have heard how our new President is African American and will hold a special place or perhaps should hold a special place in his heart for the needs of the US African American community. OK, he does look African American but please remember that his biological mother, I believe that means 50% of his DNA, is Caucasian. So ,perhaps he is not wholly African American but rather as he stated himself, a mutt. But then again aren't we all. I am jewish but my eyes are blue; doesn't that mean that some Ukrainian got over the fence somewhere in my genetic past. If it is true and the entire current human genome came from approximately 30 females, busy weren't they, then stop with the racial identifications. Don't we want to realize that we are all mutts and that we have incredible diversity in our physiognomies so that I know for sure that there is even someone out there that will find my friend Milt attractive.

And don't we constantly celebrate the US of A as the melting pot, the human stew which regenerates the gene pool and the intellectual vibrancy of the culture through the periodic infusion of strange and exotic peoples with incredibly long eye lashes, etc.

Maybe not so simple.


Friday, January 16, 2009

The Mandate of Heaven

In traditional Chinese historiography when disasters struck the Empire, it was considered a sign that the existing dynasty had lost the "Mandate of Heaven" and therefore, it's political legitimacy. For the past eight years, our national polity has suffered one major disaster after another starting with 9/11 to Katrina, etc., etc. Using the analogy above, the conclusion is pretty clear.

Yesterday in NYC what could have been a disaster and what should have been a disaster was averted with a perfect happy ending. Again, using the analogy above, perhaps the Mandate has truly been reinstated and the future will be bright. But please remember the old cliche: "Physician heal thyself!"