Gorillas Need Protection Too

Men of the world, we have nothing to regain but our balls and our country!

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Location: Pound Ridge, NY, United States

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why this Blog

When I first started, I intended to focus on the issue of the ongoing emasculation of American males over the last 20+ years. Although that is still an object of my concern, because there is so much else out there at which to hurl invectives, the initial goal of the blog is on hold in favor of all the political and social goodies that are out there to discuss. For example:

1. When is the USA going to stop giving Israel a carte blanche?
2. Why can't political agendas be put aside for the common good?
3. Why do government agencies act more as an obstacle to getting the job done than as a facilitator?

I will be addressing these issues soon. Stay tuned


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